
Wrinkles, fine lines, crinkles, furrow, lines, crows feet...call them what you like,
we ALL get them.

Like it or not its part of our ageing process or should we call it our living process?

Because they only appear as proof that we are still alive.

People, mostly women obsess over them.
For a long time, fine lines and wrinkles appearing have become a sign that a woman is 'passed it' or 'over the hill'.

Fortunately this is becoming an outdated approach but it is still deeply ingrained in a woman's psyche
that she must to anything to reduce the signs of lines and ageing appearing to be accepted and a valuable part of life.

So what are wrinkles and what can we do about them?

Wrinkles appear on our skin due to degeneration of cellular structure
combined with constant and repeated use of expression.

The cell degeneration is down to so many variables such as the amount of sun exposure,
changes to our hormonal health, the amount of stress in our lives, our emotional health,
the types of skin care products we use and food that we eat will have an impact on our skin health.

Even as we develop more lines we can still look health and well with a natural glow.

We can even improve and reduce the appearance of our lines and improve our facial definition
with natural skin care techniques.

The most important factors to looking healthy and improving skin tone and facial definition are

Eat Well
Sleep Well
Facial Massage
Facial Exercise
Hormone Balance
Regulate Nervous System
Regulate our emotional health

Over the next few weeks I shall be posting blogs about how to improve various skin care and wellbeing issues.

I will also be sharing what I have learnt about wrinkles and their meanings.

Watch this space.


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