Sagging Skin

It's an inevitable sign of the ageing process that sagging skin will appear on our face and body.

As we age our collagen and elastin production in our dermis layer deteriorates. We may also loose fat due to exercise or ill health and this will cause your skin to skin.

During the menopause as our hormones fluctuate, the skin will become dryer, thinner and sag around the jowl, eyelids, chin, throat.  This can be a gradual process and can have an effect on our self esteem.

Lifestyle factors such as exposure to sunlight, the foods we choose to eat, the inevitable baddies like smoking and alcohol consumption all contribute to our skin loosing elasticity and sagging.

So what can we do to improve our skin during our menopausal years?

Skin Care Products

While skin care products are not the cure for sagging skin, they are a must for keeping your skin in good condition. They will assist your skin in the repair and renewal cell regeneration process.

Make sure you cleanse your face twice a day
Use a serum to get into the deeper layers of your skin and deliver bursts of vitamin C
Protect your natural skin barrier with a good moisturiser.

If you get over whelmed by the amount of products on the market, this is a great starter routine for you to care for your skin.

Facial Massage and Exercise

There may be no 'proven' evidence that facial massage and exercises improve skin elasticity and collagen production, but they do make you look and feel a lot better.  Facial massage and exercise improve the circulation of the blood supply up to the skin, promoting cell regeneration, plumps skin and smooths fine lines and tightens and tones facial and neck muscles.  You will glow with radiance even after a 3 - 5 minute routine a day.

Collagen Boosting Foods

Collagen is a protein and they are the building blocks of our body and skin.
As well as supporting our skin health, it protects our bones, heart, hormones, gut and liver health too.

So it is vital that we maintain a good source of protein based foods each day.  The benefits of including collagen
based foods are they hold anti inflammatory, immune boosting properties and they are packed full of vitamins and minerals.  

Here are some collagen boosting foods that will support your skin as part of a good lifestyle routine.

Spirulina, Cod Fish, Eggs, Gelatine, Leafy Green Veg, Pumkin Seeds, Strawberries, Citrus Fruits, Garlic, Chia Seeds.

Botox and Fillers

Whilst I am promoting the natural way to look and feel good during your menopause years, I feel it is important to acknowledge choice.  Botox and fillers are widely accessible these days and it's becoming clear that it's not just menopausal women going for these treatments, younger girls are too as a way to prevent the signs of ageing.
These treatments can do wonders for the self esteem in the short term but have you thought of the long term outcomes?

If you are considering taking this option, please make your choices wisely.  Make sure you find a fully qualified and experienced aesthetician. Ask them lots of questions before you begin treatment.

Have an understanding of the long term care plan of your facial muscles and skin.

Botox paralyses the muscle and damages the facial nerves.  From a holistic point of view, all our muscles work in harmony. If one muscle becomes frozen, it will make the other muscles over worked, strained and tense over a period of time.   

Fillers add volume to the face which is great when you notice a reduction in bone density.
However, fillers disintegrate into the lymph circulation and surrounding tissue in the body.  This may reduce your body's ability to remove waste and toxins, creating puffiness and sagging skin in the long term.

So before hitting the needles, give yourself some self love and care.  Take a look at what aesthetic treatments are going to do for you, how will they make you feel, what is your long term skin goal, can it be achieved through consistent massage and skin care routine? Ask yourself how you feel when you look in the mirror?  What emotion comes up for you?  Did you know that emotion can be released by massaging and exercising certain muscles in your face?


Want to know more?

Book your facial session with me today.



Marionette Lines


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