Hot Flushes

Hot flushes are one of the many symptoms that can arrive with menopause.
For some women they are mild, but for others they are constant and can take over their lives.

According to one study, up to 80% of women will experience hot flushes from the time their periods begin to cease.

They can present for 6 months to 3 years in mild cases.
However, some women can experience them for up to 10 years and differ in severity,
causing night sweats which disturb sleep causing a negative effect on a woman's wellbeing in general.

So why does this happen and what can women do about it?

A hot flush or Hot Flashes normally occur when you are doing or wearing something that normally makes you feel hot.

For example:

Feeling angry or laughing too much.
Keeping your windows shut.
Too many clothes or a heavy duvet.
Eating spicy, rich food.

Normally your temperature will go up and your body's natural thermostat
will kick in,
encouraging your veins to dilate, your body to sweat and your temperature will gradually return to its natural base line.

During the menopause, your body's thermostat has gone out the window which
raises your threshold at which you peak in temperature.

So what can be done to help you through this phase?

Some women find the following help to reduce symptoms

Try to keep cool
Wear lighter clothes
Carry a portable fan around with you
HRT is beneficial for some women
Meditation and breathwork helps to regulate your temperature
Yoga has a similar effect
Cut out caffeine and alcohol, they are hormone disruptors.
Cut out foods that are inflammatory, you may want to research the effects of dairy and hormones.

Reflexology can help alleviate a range of menopausal symptoms over a number of sessions.

The Association Of Reflexologists conducted a small study on menopausal women.

A group of 6 women received 6 weekly sessions to support them through menopause.

A 57% reduction in hot flushes was recorded as well as improvements for

Mood Swings
Menstrual Problems

Feedback from the study.

"I believe that the treatments have 'toned down' the general range of menopause symptoms
and made them more felt very beneficial."

 Reflexology is a great addition to guiding and supporting you in your lifestyle changes as you
transition through your menopause years.

Creating balance in your body and mind via the reflex points is a key focus.

Book Your Reflexology Session Today!

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